Monday, October 28, 2013

SLANT: Day One

The rundown: Got to school. Printed my SLANT sign. Made twenty copies. Started posting. 

No, I didn't really post all twenty. I did post six, and I used a seventh at my data projector. My students sit in groups, and I am going to laminate some copies to put in the center of their seating arrangements for a constant reminder. And my version of laminating is usually putting a paper in a sheet protector, but I ran out at school today. 

The strategy worked wonderfully with my first two classes. I went over it with them, having them model what the parts should look like. They responded positively and were quick to point out when someone else was not on task with one of the expectations. I could call and name and say SLANT, and corrections were made quickly. 

My third class of the day is my co-teach class. Co-teach is a mix of special education and academic kids. In this grouping, I also have ESL, GT, and AVID students, in addition to  some moderate behavioral issues. 

While introducing the strategy, I only had one student not paying attention, and it showed throughout the rest of the class when his classmates were responding to SLANT re-directions. He kept asking questions regarding the acronym, and I kept ignoring him. His classmates continuously pointed out the signs all over the classroom. 

My talkers still talked, but they were not as disruptive today. It is difficult to be upset with talking when they are talking about and participating in the lesson.  Because they talked less, I actually had more hesitant students raising their hands today. Small victory! 

My post-lunch group did not respond so well. This group loves to talk. When I discussed the SLANT expectations, one of the first questions I received was, "When do we get to talk?" Tomorrow is another day, I suppose. 

The biggest challenge of my day was my Pre-AP class. I was a bit apprehensive about introducing this to them. As usual, they came in noisy. That never bothers me. I believe in allowing kids a couple of minutes to socialize while they are following my posted instructions and preparing for class while I take attendance. 

While they continued their noise, I displayed the SLANT handout on the data projector. Then I stared (that teacher/mom stare works wonderfully sometimes). It only took a few seconds before they began associating the displayed information to what I wanted from them. My AVID students, who are already familiar with SLANT, did a bit of groaning (and trying to correct some of my letters). 

I very firmly conveyed my new classroom SLANT procedure. I do not think they were breathing the entire time. I am pretty laid back, and this was quite a contradiction to the usually peppy, happy Ms. Foti that they are accustomed to. I did have one student asking lots of questions about this, mostly about how long the classroom was going to be like it was today. It seemed to be unsettling her a little bit. 

Overall, I was quite pleased. My goal for tomorrow is to make sure that they understand that this was not a one day redirection. 

Did you give it a shot? How did things go for you?

1 comment:

  1. Tipping chairs drives me crazy - although I do have some great pictures of kids who have fallen over.
