Sunday, November 10, 2013

Point of View (with everything else I could possibly cram into this lesson)

Got another book. Shocking, I know. But I heard great things, so...

My point of view lesson stems from a lesson in this book. As always, I take what is presented and modify for the needs of my classroom. And I have jammed this thing full from top to bottom. 

From past experience, I know my students struggle with point of view. First person is easy, and we talked about it a great deal with "The Tell-Tale Heart." I have still included it this lesson, though, because I want them to be able to rewrite the passages with each point of view. 

The biggest struggle will be the third person points of view. Usually, the kids understand the overall meaning, but they do not want to take the time to break apart limited versus omniscient. For this part of the lesson, I created a writing template to guide them in the rewrite. I use writing templates in class, but I do not normally create my own. I am not sure how effective this one will be, and I may make revisions to it before I get to this part of the lesson. 

I am also having them complete their final writing piece in Edmodo. I love Edmodo and would use it more if I did not pack up my netbooks a few weeks ago in anticipation of the Chromebooks I thought I would already have delivered. 



  1. Do you love this book? I purchased the non-fiction version over the summer, but haven't implemented it yet. I just now moving into nonfiction this quarter, but I will be revisiting fiction in January.

  2. So far, so good. This is the second passage I have used from the book. I like the mentor texts that are included, and the lessons are good. I'm not following them exactly, but they are definitely good springboards.

  3. How did you know that the narrator of this passage was an old man?
