Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Winter Break Haikus

Now that I am actually learning how to use Twitter effectively, I have seen a lot of postings about haikus. My students need to write an original poem at some point this year, and since the haiku is pretty simple, I have decided to use it as my first lesson back from winter break (yeah, I'm already planning ahead; classic overachiever syndrome). 

I am using a haiku idea from Writingfix.com. My students will be creating haiku comics to reflect upon their winter break. Although the haiku can be a bit challenging, it is a simple enough lesson to get their brains (and mine) warmed up after 17 1/2 days off from school. I will also save these to hang up for our parent open house sometime in the spring. 

Now...how many days left until summer vacation?

1 comment:

  1. Wow
    I love this idea. Glad I scrolled down the blog a bit.
